Bonds Rank 3

Bonds Rank 3
List: Mage Basic Career
Cost: 2
Prereqs: Bonds Rank 2, 50 Power Points, level 5
Skill Type: Arcane
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant


Rank 3:

Spell Verbal: I Create a Magical Seal That Will Cause…

  • …Paralysis.        7 Power Point     5 Minute.
    • This spell completely paralyzes the target character; they cannot move or speak. The only acts a paralyzed character can perform are to move their eyes, blink, or invoke a latent spell. A character may be given a Killing Blow while they are paralyzed.
    • Paralyzed characters can be moved as they are not attached to the ground; in addition, their limbs can be moved by some external force such as another character. The target will still be unable to move from their new position. If the paralyzed character is reduced to 0 Body Points or lower, the player should still fall down.
    • There is a visible effect to this spell, and it is obvious to any one looking if the character is free or not.


  • Imprisonment.     9 Power Points    5 Minutes.
    • The target character is completely immobilized; they cannot move or speak. They are surrounded by a glowing, skin tight magical prison that protects them from all attacks, spells, or damage until the spell wears off. An Imprisoned character cannot be picked up or moved from the spot where the spell hit them. If the spell affects the character while they are not touching the ground – jumping in mid air, swimming, brachiating, being carried, in a tree, etc. – the character is immediately dropped to the ground under them when the spell hits.
    • The Imprisonment spell is not affected by the Dispel Magic or Destroy Magic spells. The effects of alchemical items cannot pass through an Imprisonment. If you cast an Imprisonment on yourself then you cannot remove it; you must wait until the 5 minutes elapse.
    • A target is still affected by the Hypnosis skill and other charm like gaze attacks. The Total Power skill will pierce through an Imprisonment, even if the original spell was cast with Total Power.
    • There is a visible effect to this spell, and it is obvious to any one looking if the character is free or not.


  • Free Action.         6 Power Points      Latent or Instant
    • This spell is considered Lost Magic
    • This spell can be used in two different ways. First, it can be used to dispel any spell from the Bonds School when cast on the target character. It will only remove one active spell at a time and the character should call what spell they are dispelling when they cast this spell. If the character does not then the target player can choose what Bonds School spell they want dispelled if they are affected by multiple Bonds School spells.
    • The caster can choose to cast this spell as a latent spell defense. When used in this way, this spell defense will stop one spell from the Bonds School. This spell, when used in this manner, cannot be invoked to dispel an already active Bonds School spell.

Bonds Rank 1
Bonds Rank 2
Bonds Rank 4
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